Top Environmental Charities in Canada

February 03, 2016
4 min read

Ryan Jones

Charity Intelligence shares its list of Canada’s top environmental charities

Every day we are confronted by new information about the degradation of our natural environment. Air and water pollution, climate change, destruction of habitats, rising sea levels, it is nearly impossible to keep up, especially for those who want to give back and ensure their donations end up in the most effective hands.

Our friends at Charity Intelligence shared a report on their picks for the top charities in Canada that deal with environmental, conservation, and sustainability issues. The charities presented in their report work to preserve ecosystems, protect threatened species, and offer sustainable solutions for community development.

Charity Intelligence ensures its assessment process is as thorough as possible, using an evaluation system that analyses financial, social, and management success and transparency. Charity Intelligence has been providing analysis and ranking of charities in Canada since 2006, allowing conscientious donors to make educated decisions when giving to their cause.

Below we have summarized the top seven charities, but we encourage you to read the complete report, which presents analyses of dozens of environmental charities in Canada.


Top 7 Environmental Charities According to Charity Intelligence


Bruce Trail Conservancy

The Bruce Trail Conservancy works to protect the Niagara Escarpment, a unique ecosystem and UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Development pressure is high in Canada’s most populous region, and land for human use is in high demand.



Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada funds the Natural Areas Conservation Program, the largest land conservation program in Canada. The NCC works closely with the Federal government.



Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is focused on land protection via the creation of national and provincial parks and other wilderness areas. CPAWS has a network of over 15,000 volunteer members.



Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

The Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada conducts independent scientific research only, supplying interested parties with data for use in other projects. Their focus is on large mammals.




Wildlife Preservation Canada

Wildlife Preservation Canada protects species at risk of immediate extinction using captive breeding programs, followed by reintroduction to the wild.




Ecotrust Canada

EcoTrust Canada works to establish ecologically sustainable communities (especially  First Nations), renewable forests, and forest practices, and protect fisheries. EcoTrustalso funds community development and housing projects.



Nature Canada

Nature Canada includes a network of 350 naturalist clubs, leveraging their many members to complete research projects and make policy recommendations. They focus on endangered species, bird conservation, water resources, and parks and protected areas.