Betakit: After a three-year pause, TechPong bounces back for 2023 return

July 20, 2023

Luisa Velez

Luisa Velez

Director, Corporate Communications

The revival of Vancouver's ultimate ping pong party with a purpose was announced on Betakit as an "annual ping pong-powered charity event that has raised $400,000 over six showings," that included the participation in the past of "executives and employees from more than 50 companies, including Clearly, Clio, Colliers International, Samsung, Shopify, and VanHack."

As the article mentions, "funds at TechPong are collected through attendees’ applications to participate in the ping pong games. Attendees can choose to battle it out in singles or doubles teams, or simply watch the action."

Want to participate in this party with a purpose? Be part of the event as a sponsor, create a team, or attend to live the experience, network, and give to the charitable causes you believe in. Visit for more information.

Read the full article, here