Learning Charity, From The Beginning

May 02, 2013
2 min read

Charitable Impact


Look! We’re launching a new blog series. 

When I was nine or ten years old, I was introduced to “Kids For Saving The Earth.” My memories of this time involved my parents sending away for a workbook that explained how to start an after school club. While I can’t recall the details of what we did all of those days after school, I do remember helping rally my classmates, teachers and even the local media! to help us plant some trees along the perimeter of the school.

This was my first charitable experience. And I loved it. And while the yearning to be charitable, and to protect the environment, traveled along with me throughout my youth and into my adulthood, I didn’t really gather much more insight about the charitable world, much like most of my friends.

Until I started here at Chimp. All of a sudden, my eyes were opened wide. Each day, I seem to learn something valuable about the charity sector: from donating and fundraising to charitable law. It’s with this learning lens that I decided to share what I learn, in the hopes that it will help us all become more versed in an area that touches so many of us. I also hope that if you have questions, you’ll ask them here. And I’ll do my best to find the answers and opinions.

You can get in touch in the comments, on Twitter and Facebook or email community [at] chimp.net.

PS. In writing this post, I came across the Kids For Saving The Earth website. I think it’s pretty cool that they’re still working hard at supporting classroom education.
