Busting myths about donating online, part one

November 03, 2011
2 min read

Charitable Impact

A few weeks ago, we blogged about being online or old school when it comes to making donations, and how younger people are starting to donate online more and more.

We’re glad the trend towards online is growing, but we really want to win over the people who are old school. So we’re busting some myths and calling out the excuses we hear regularly over our next few blog posts.

Myth: It’s easier to just write a cheque.
Yes, writing a cheque is pretty easy when that’s what you’re used to doing. But it’s not a one-step process unless there is a charity rep right in front of you to give it to. If not, you need an envelope and stamp, then a mailbox. A receipt is then mailed back, which you have put in a place you’ll remember for later. And this happens all over again when you decide to give to charity #2, #3, etc.

When you give online, your donation is in a charity’s coffers immediately. Your tax receipt is issued immediately. And if you give through Chimp, your tax receipts are all collected in the same spot. So you can just download a single report for tax time, no matter how many times you donate or how many different charities you give to.

Next myth on the busting block: Cheques are safter than donating online.

Is there a reason that stops you from donating online? Tell us, and we’ll do our best to bust it.