3 Easy Ways You Can Support A Charity… Right Now

May 23, 2013
2 min read

Charitable Impact

Likes Don’t Save Lives is a Unicef Sweden video campaign (Other videos: The Restaurant, The Sweater, The Barbershop). These videos illustrate how Facebook Likes aren’t the same as donations. And they’re right. It’s not the same. It’s not even close.

On the other hand, every little bit of awareness counts, and awareness can lead to real donations. So below are 3 social media centric ways you can help charities, any charity, get closer to the money they need to carry out the work that they do.

1. Share The Message.
A Like or a Retweet helps contribute to the awareness. Your like generates “a story” and may appear on others’ Facebook timelines. Your Retweet may be seen by some of your followers and may even be retweeted again. These are the most passive ways you can pass on the word. To be more effective,  show your support by  taking a moment to add something personal. By sharing your own reason for supporting a cause, you pack a more powerful punch than a simple, and passive, Like.

2. Spark A Conversation.
You have an opinion. You like the art of conversation. Start one. Respond to comments or ask questions. Diving deeper is a win for the cause, you and your network — you will be connecting, conversing and learning.

3. Make A Direct Ask For Support
You can ask for the Like. You can ask for the Comment. You can ask for the Retweet. And you can supercharge your asks by also making a direct ask for donations. Feeling like inserting a little fun? Create a charity challenge or pledge to match someone else’s donations.

Now, it’s your turn. What suggestions do you have?