5. Make a grant from the Impact Account
When your client is ready, they can grant any amount of their Impact Account balance to:
One or many of the 86,000+ Canadian registered charities
Other qualified donees, including registered Canadian amateur athletic associations, journalism organizations, Canadian municipalities, and more
Giving Groups, which are communities who combine forces by pooling money and fundraising for causes that matter most to them
Other Impact Accounts, which creates opportunities for others to engage in and learn about giving

Reminder: Your clients will not receive another tax receipt when a grant is made. A grant is simply an allocation of charitable dollars which have already been tax receipted. Tax receipts are only issued on new donations made to CHIMP: Charitable Impact Foundation (Canada).
Facilitate a grant from the Impact Account
To facilitate a grant, have your client log in to their Impact Account.
Our Impact Account is easy to use but we are also happy to support your clients as they get to know how it works. In addition to personalized support, we have a Help Centre that can be accessed anytime.
Follow the instructions on how to give to a charity, Giving Group or Campaign
Follow the instructions on how to send charitable dollars to another Impact Account
Learn about what Impact Account admins can and can’t do on the owner’s account
Make a grant anonymously or with recognition
When your client recommends grants to a charity or a Giving Group, they can choose whether to remain anonymous or to share their name with the recipient. Learn more about your information sharing options when making a grant.